The dream that is my life, this adventure, my hope for our future...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


How to sum up a summer that changed life forever
Bracing forward, tides forcing legs to function, the levers
moving up and down in hands, flags of skin, thinner,
sensitive inside Agni, burning through body, through the metal mind
bathing with the rainbow snake. Yes. Breathe. You are awake.

Veins melting, blue to green, feet in earth, feeding roots
branches embracing space beyond planes, living the empty truth
delivered to the wonder of love, surrendered in the vast rapture
of golden beams shining through thundershowers, the evaporating
mist rising with lace winged creatures, a desert sparkling, reflecting
the gifts, boundless.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Choya Cyanide

The undertow-
pulling me farther down the river
injecting the feeling, sharp and fine
a sliver shooting up my spine.
Who walks this line?
Turning in circles, reeling, g-forces
pushing through time
ripping the slopes, breaking the blinds,
changing the breath-
the rhythm is mine.
Surrender and lightness crowds the mind,
filling me up, exploding behind a buzzing
that's rising from deep inside-
changing the world, the window, the climb-
giving the sight back to the blind.
Reminding us where to step over the mines.
Tripping through fields
running through deserts
climbing up mountains
stopping one time.
To remove the thorns- buried inside.
Jumping like choya cyanide.
The fish hook syringe-the sliver relies
on a thrashing passage, the travelers blind
without the caution to step aside-
the wound is a gift to imprint a rift
an earthshaking shift, to see all the time
the spine is a present, waking the mind.
so straighten it out- one breath at a time
and realize now, why we have been born-
the mirror has shown me- to embrace the thorn

Monday, June 28, 2010

Living in Love and Light and Laughter

My heart is full to bursting. The Tree of Life is everything I imagined it to be, and more. Emancipating myself from the culture of death has proven to be a transformational, breath recovering, uplifting experience. (What I mean by the "culture of death" is anything in life that promotes that feeling inside- that dying, suffocating, screaming, questioning feeling. The culture that promotes death and hatred: of the planet, soul, body, etc. . .) Meditation, prayer, playing music, doing yoga, going to temple, laughing with friends, working hard, eating raw/vegan "live" foods, experiencing community interactively and sharing these experiences has transformed my life; shifted the lens, changed the angle, rewired my brain and given me a new lease on life. The change that I feel most strongly in my heart, is the connection that I feel to the divine. This connection to the universe, truth, love, god, nature, whatever you want to call it, has manifested without effort. I feel now that I am living in the flow, following my truth and calling in the energy that I need to thrive. The magical piece in this experience for me, is that the transformation that has occurred, has happened without my intention. All I did - show up.

I want to express my gratitude to the people that I have met here at the Tree. Every day you all teach me so much about life, love, peace, family, laughter, music, health, food and joy. I have not been here long, but I feel like family already and that is a rare and beautiful thing. Perhaps we have all been here together in a past life. So off I go- arms open wide, heart open, feeling reborn. Thank you- to the beings in my life who inspire me every day. My friends and teachers- thank you.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Modern castles built expansive
across acres
and green acres establish
power through gilded
twisting iron lion sculptures

No trespassing

Red ivy spreads tentacle branches
concealing rusting

This is a community,
and values of hospitality and acceptance
are the mission statements
of appearances

Welcome mats are covered
with feet
of fallen leaves
and no one can remember the last time
people gathered outside
of locked doors

The Beginning

A Jungle
growing in my
mind in a
week spent
stalking infinity.
The nature of
engaging and interactively experiencing life's purpose and
Beyond the bird's song
beyond the cool fresh wool white
mist known of all skybound
beyond the swelling purple
flesh stretched
like a thorn pressing through a
cheek then breaking
broken through the
quiet peace
that exists in everything
born. .
Until babbling in my
ears evaporating all thought
real eyes opening...

Breaking through

The quest for salvation
the army, intonations revolving in my solar-plexus
the weight of which rotations on this axis create
a gravitational quake, a concrete cracking, back attacking
thunderstorm shooting out from
the earth underneath my ribs

Breaking through this hollow
Breaking through these hollows
This tree growing through me
through the hall

Me. Reptilian. Shedding skin
Shedding, blood letting and sweating through
these humid eliminating frequencies
a boa constricting my lungs, throat and tongue

Breaking through this hollow
Breaking through hollows
Breaking through hall

Quick. Revolving under this tree
A branch waiting to carry me
my mother earth, she sings me free

Breaking through
Breaking through
Breaking through

Growing wings
Gold and blue, violet and orange, pink
A lofty breeze breathes through me and now I am
every peace I never saw before
Salt sprays, sweet and my eyes sparkle reflecting gold and the early ocean
The wise man told me that real eyes realize real lies.
The wise man told me I was breaking through to
Breaking through to sunrise
Breaking through
Breaking through

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Chi Kung!

I just had the best day ever. I took a Chi Kung workshop with Lydia Wong ( at Organic Avenue and it was one of the most calming yet energizing experiences I've ever had. Of course, I was late to class by about 5 min. I frantically took my spot and began an energy brushing exercise with my sister. After Lydia passed a few times, calmly encouraging students to brush more vigorously, to remember the breath, to switch sides, I found myself completely transported. The city washed away. All of the students were smiling, open to the experience. Lydia's jovial, yet soothing energy guided us into a space where energy flowed freely, where our breath and bodies became waves in the flowing ocean of our energy meridians. We were set free to become the meditative focus of the uninhibited, we moved with our bodies, feeling the quite rhythm of our breath, joining with the peaceful music in the background.

What I learned is that it is so essential to slow everything down. And when I say slow down, I mean really really really sssssllllooowwwww dooowwwwnnnn. I sometimes joke with my sister that living in the city always feels like I'm living in this big competition. Walking down the street, it's a competition to get past the person walking in front of you, a competition to cross the street, a competition to get through the crowd as fast as possible, a race to the subway doors, a competition with the traffic noise, a race to whatever cash register, a competition with the energy of the entire city. I know that all of this competition resides within me, and perhaps in the people around me as well... Whatever the case may be, it was so fantastic to be encouraged to move slowly, to be taught to listen to my body and breath, to really feel. What I experienced is that I can feel the energy outside of my body. Something about moving slowly, with intention, changes the focus and relationship of your mind to what you feel. I felt the subtle energies of my chi for the first time. I moved in that focus and awareness and found that it can be stretched, compressed and shared with another person. I learned that the energies of the people around you, their moods, thoughts and intentions can be transferred into your own feelings, thoughts and intentions. I learned how to keep these shared experiences flowing, so that the chi doesn't become "clogged". I learned how to "brush off" the negative energies of other people. I learned how to quiet my mind, how to create a space to be present.
With these new experiences, I now understand how important it is to live in a LOVING state all of the time. If my energy is affecting every person I see, speak to, walk past, or look at, I will try to keep my heart open and allow that energy to flow freely. Love is all that matters, love is all there is, "all you need is love"!
What a beautiful day.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Raw food Resources

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

How one Superfood Smoothie changed my life.

Oh the fabulous irony that is my life. Since I began my studies at the Natural Gourmet School for Health and Culinary arts I have been experimenting with a raw food lifestyle. Cooking school to raw foods...!? The philosophy of the school is what threw me on the trajectory of finding and educating myself about "THE" healthy lifestyle, so I guess it works. What catalyzed the change? Inspiration came to me when I began reading the book "Superfoods" by David Wolfe. I am a naturally skeptical person and I have a tendency to question everything that I hear. So, on that "questioning" vain, I went to my local smoothie bar to test out these so called "superfoods" and I must say that I am forever changed.

I can't quite express in words what I felt in my body after drinking it, but please enjoy my descent into hyperbolic madness. It's like I spent my entire life in a hot and dry desert and this smoothie was the first quenching drink of cool spring water. It felt like my cells had been asleep and when I drank it, they were supercharged, reborn. It's like I had never taken air into my lungs until I drank it. It felt like my eyes had been sewn shut and after I digested it I could see for the first time. Okay, okay, I think you get the point. But I have to say that this kind of food is greater than any coffee, energy drink, Powerbar, Gatoraid, whatever energy "food" people are selling these days.

So yes, one smoothie changed my life. After this revelation, I began to think about the endless fields of knowledge that I have never seen. I began to see the answers to the questions that I have always carried in my heart. I have always had doubts about the heavily mediated environment that I have grown up in. I have always felt a bit overwhelmed by the lies we have been told, sold and programed to believe. My addictions to TV, alcohol, negative people and ways of thinking, celebrity culture, clothing, self-obsessive and narcissistic patterns of thought, etc have been instantly evaporated now that I have the right nutrition. How is this possible? I have no idea, I am not a scientist, or an expert on the subject, all I know is that I feel fantastic! My guess is that because I feel so great, I don't need those other things to give my life meaning... I don't know how it all works, I feel freer than I have ever felt, happier than I have ever felt and even more important I feel like I have found my purpose in life. (This all happened because of a smoothie...) I then began my research online to find out what the "raw food" lifestyle was all about. I found thousands of videos on Youtube that are aimed at spreading this essential knowledge to anyone interested in listening. And I am more than interested.

Through the information that I have discovered online about raw foods, the lifestyle associated with it, sustainability, the health of our planet and bodies, the poverty faced by many communities around the world, gardening, permaculture, etc... I can say that the answers to all of the problems that we are facing start with what we are eating and where we get our food from. We can solve all of the problems (okay fine, not all... but most!) in the world if we become conscious about what we put into our mouths. WOW! Hey there buddy, slow down. That's a pretty righteous claim! Yes, but I challenge you to do some research on the subject. Read "Superfoods" by David Wolfe, watch some videos about raw food nutrition, figure out what works best for you, but if there is something lacking in your life-look at the food that you are eating. Change your diet for a week, add some superfoods and raw foods into your diet... It might change everything! I know it worked for me, and I am still very new to all of this. All I know is that I cannot wait to see what happens next, and that feeling of excitement and hope is new and fantastic and it is also something that a lot of us have lost faith in. So go do it, read, learn and feel joy that there are answers!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Fantastic Intro to Permaculture video - Basics, techniques, set up etc...

Permaculture Water Harvesting

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Favorite Quotes, inspiring ideas!

"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." - Howard Thurman

In Lak'ech Ala K'in - the Living Code of the Heart
~ Aluna Joy Yaxkin - - 11/2007

"In Mayan tradition, there is a greeting that many people working with Mayan wisdom know of. It is the law of In Lak'ech Ala K'in, which means I am another yourself (A modern day interpretation). It also means I am you, and you are me (A traditional Mayan interpretation). We have come to understand that this Mayan greeting is an honoring for each other. It is a statement of unity and oneness. In Lak'ech Ala K'in mirrors the same sentiment of other beautiful greetings such as Namaste for East India, Wiracocha for the Inca, and Mitakuye Oyasin for the Lakota. It doesn't matter which culture you come from. But when one of these sacred greetings is given, there is always an action of placing the hands over the heart.

The more I walk the Mayan path, the more I understand the depth that In Lak'ech Ala K'in teaches. This greeting has become more than a simple, honorable Maya greeting. It has evolved into a moral code, and a way to create a positive reality for all life. As we near 2012 with all its doom and gloom prophecies, we have a moral obligation to Spirit to live the code of In Lak'ech Ala K'in.

It is common knowledge these days that every action we take in our lives affects all living things. We understand that if we act negatively, our actions impact all life negatively. When we act positively, we affect all life in a positive manner. When we live the Mayan code of In Lak'ech Ala K'in, we know that every action we take is out of respect for all life, and we are living and giving from our hearts.

We can give our hearts in a positive manner every day by saying In Lak'ech Ala K'in to each other, to the trees, to the sky, to the birds, and to the stars. You can greet each sunrise by saying In Lak'ech Ala K'in. Each and every day we have together is sacred, so acknowledge this day by giving it your heart. Remember when you give in this way, you are also giving to yourself! You are not giving your energy away to something separate from yourself. Y ou are giving to another part of yourself!

I understand the challenges in staying positive in these days where the energy is so compressed that we can hardly breathe, but there is one simple exercise that can turn it all around for us. Each day, simply walk in gratefulness. We can say In Lak'ech Ala K'in to that which gives us life everyday, and that is the heart of the Great Spirit. Instead of solely taking from the Great Spirit by asking for insight and direction, give back your heart, love, and appreciation. You will be amazed at the results. If we open our hearts and send gratitude, it opens all doors that were previously closed to us. Remember you are a part of Great Spirit! When you give to Great Spirit you are giving to yourself.

We can practice In Lak'ech Ala K'in tirelessly, because when and what we give to others is giving energy to ourselves. When we give, we receive. So how do we know if we giving right? It is really simple. When we are energized by our giving, we know we are giving from our hearts and from the code of In Lak'ech Ala K'in. If we feel drained or exhausted, it is possible that we gave out of fear, lack, obligation, ego, or a need to be accepted or liked. The more one practices In Lak'ech Ala K'in, the clearer we will become about our motivations regarding our actions, and the more we will receive. Remember . . . what goes around comes around exactly the way it was sent out. If you don't like what life is sending to you, look at what you are sending out to life.

When we begin to live and practice In Lak'ech Ala K'in, a lot of our old ways of doing things will no longer work for us. For instance, we cannot act like victims anymore, and we cannot live out of fear either. We find ourselves no longer preparing for disaster; instead we anticipate a glorious future. It is time for us to rewrite the prophecies. They have become obsolete. The past will become just a bad dream, and the future will become a beautiful vision of which we will create right now.

When we practice In Lak'ech Ala K'in, we quit being neutral in our world, because we understand that Spirit works with those that take action. We begin to take action by adding to the positive experience of this dimension. So what kind of world do you want? Don't just stand there waiting for the world to appear in front of you. Spirit helps those who help themselves. It is up to us.

When we practice the moral code of In Lak'ech Ala K'in, we are producing and sending positive and vital energy that can literally transform our troubled world into Paradise. When we live from In Lak'ech Ala K'in, we are putting to use our natural ability to create our reality. We are affecting the collective consciousness of humanity in a positive way. The Cosmic Maya, also known as the "Star Elders" or "Invisible Council", understood this natural power to create their reality. Their sacred calendars mapped the natural laws of the universe. Now it is our turn to come to this understanding. It is time for us to walk as the Star Elders did so many years ago. The time has come for us to change the world.

The more humanity begins to live In Lak'ech Ala K'in, the less we will think in terms of our separateness. There can be no competition, jealousy or envy between us, because we are pieces of each other. We can share and help each other with our connections, ideas and resources without fear that there will not be enough to go around. When we live the reality of unity, abundance and wholeness, there will be unity, abundance and wholeness! The more of us that participate in the creation of a better world, the quicker it will arrive. We will have peace, love, harmony and unity, and will finally have arrived home."

Interesting Lifestyle:

I found these images at

The "Standard American Diet" also known as the "SAD die-it" is explained here:

"Superfoods" are discussed more thoroughly in a book called: "Superfoods: The Food and Medicine of the Future" by David Wolfe. I just recently finished reading this book, and have begun eating the "superfood" smoothies for breakfast. Do I notice a difference? Absolutely! I have endless energy, I have no sugar cravings, I feel genuinely happy, I don't feel hungry, I don't need coffee, I've lost weight, I feel "sharper" and am generally filled with joy. I will continue with my experimentation with "superfood smoothies" and continue posting my results, but I have to share how excited I am about the changes that I have felt and seen.

My Superfood Smoothie:
1. Raw Coconut meat and water.
2. Organic Blueberries
3. Organic Strawberries
4. Organic Maca (a tablespoon)
5. Organic Cacao Nibs
6. Organic dried Goji Berries
7. Organic Shelled Hempseed
8. Organic dried Golden Berries
9. Organic Wheatgrass (juiced)
10. Bee Pollen
11. Organic Spirulina

Monday, February 15, 2010

Medicinal Mushrooms (not the trippy kind...)

Short film about obesity and the food industry.


I've been doing a lot of research lately and have come across a "language" that applies to the lifestyle that I have been looking for. Issues surrounding the health of our environment, bodies and sources of food can be improved through a concept known as Permaculture.

Here is a little history (thank you Wikipedia):

"In the mid 1970s, Australians Bill Mollison and David Holmgren started to develop ideas about stable agricultural systems. This was a result of rapid growth of destructive industrial-agricultural methods. They saw that these methods were poisoning the land and water, reducing biodiversity, and removing billions of tons of topsoil from previously fertile landscapes. They announced their permaculture" approach with the publication of Permaculture One in 1978.

The term permaculture initially meant "permanent agriculture" but was quickly expanded to also stand for "permanent culture" as it was seen that social aspects were integral to a truly sustainable system.

After Permaculture One, Mollison and Holmgren further refined and developed their ideas by designing hundreds of permaculture sites and organizing this information into more detailed books. Mollison lectured in over 80 countries and taught his two-week Design Course to many hundreds of students. By the early 1980s, the concept had broadened from agricultural systems design towards complete, sustainable human habitats.

By the mid 1980s, many of the students had become successful practitioners and had themselves begun teaching the techniques they had learned. In a short period of time permaculture groups, projects, associations, and institutes were established in over one hundred countries. In 1991 a four-part Television documentary by ABC productions called "The Global Gardener" showed permaculture applied to a range of worldwide situations, bringing the concept to a much broader public. Excerpts are available online through YouTube."

I became interested in these issues when I was an undergrad at UC Davis and took a class on Environmental Sustainability. My goal is to someday grow a garden, open a café somewhere and feed people the delicious, organic, sustainable, healthy foods that so many of us are missing out on. Because I'm still in school this won't happen for a while, but until it does, I will be researching, learning and cooking myself a life.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Another great resource for organic shopping...

I recommend these films if you are interested in issues surrounding the food industry, health and environmental sustainability.

Great Resource for Living Eco-Conscious


My Goals!

1. Spend a month (this July) in Australia or Hawaii. Picking fruit along the coast.
2. Get into the best film school.
3. Finish writing the best screenplay ever.
4. Start a fantastic garden project. Work in an organic garden. Grow my own food. Learn as much as I possibly can about food and growing food.
5. Get an environmental issues internship that facilitates my dream of someday owning my own garden/eden.
6. Help someone find their voice.
7. Get a bus. Go on a road-trip/backpack to Peru, Argentina, Machu Picchu in NOVEMBER.
8. Learn guitar. Write songs. Paint. Jam sessions with musical people. Share more.
9. Love. "I have the best relationship ever with a partner who is beyond my wildest dreams."
10. I experience the best health ever. ("I effervesce with the most radiance, joy and health, and I consistently feel the best ever.")
11. I live sustainably every day, I learn more about the environment always. I Create more and consume only what I need to live.
12. Learn everything about Permaculture.
13. I eat the best food ever.
14. I have the best friends ever. "I surround myself with people who uplift my spirits every time we see each other. I constantly meet people who are bigger than me. People who think bigger, act bigger. (By bigger, I mean individuals of lofty consciousness, language and achievements. People who astonish me with their commitment to love and dedicate their lives to the betterment of themselves and the salvation of the world from ignorance.") *thank you David Wolfe...
15. I drink the best water ever.
16. I eat the best herbs and medicinal plants ever, while learning everything about them.
17. I am consistently inspired and joyful.
18. I experience the best time ever in NYC!
19. Create the best blog "TV" show involving raw foods/spirituality/health/nutrition/interviews with inspired/interesting/passionate/creative/loving people etc... With my sister. Hall Sisters go RAW.
20. I experience the deepest spiritual understanding of our earth and the relationship that we have to nature.
21. I continue to set the best goals ever that continue to fill my life with flow, purpose and meaning.
22. I will own, build, grow and share... or ...become a part of a community spiritual healing center geared to raw foods and the raw food lifestyle, that has a thriving permaculture forest garden in Vilcabamba, Ecuador. The healing center will have raw food/health experts who can help people recover from illnesses and a stable for healing via horse therapy.
23. Complete my CTP 183 internship in June and work for the summer in the gardens at the Tree of Life center in Patagonia AZ.

Snow in the City

Adventures Post 1: The Big Concrete Jungle

(John Butler Trio @ the Bowery Ballroom 2/11/10)

Here I am, 3 weeks into my new life in NYC and I did it. I finally pressed the reset button, I left Davis to find some perspective and refill my cup, to learn a new way of life and find whatever it is I have been looking for. School is going great. The atmosphere at The Natural Gourmet School is fulfilling and inspiring. So far, I’ve met some incredible people, learned about health supportive, organic, sustainable, gourmet vegetarian cooking, and faced some of my fears. But I cannot put my finger on this feeling that has been pulling on my heart lately.

Maybe I miss California, I miss Davis, I miss my friends, and I miss the sunshine. I miss the smell of trees and soil. I miss wearing sweats all the time, lounging on the quad, bikes, running in fields when the sun was setting, talking about changing the world, solar ovens, squirrels and ducks, delta venus, warm nights and pear cider, riding horses early in the morning, nuggles, film classes. Now that these things are not outside my door, I understand how much they meant to me. Living in this concrete jungle has helped me see that I am my own cliché. I really didn’t know what I had until it was gone. I am grateful that I can say this, and I appreciate the fact that it took 3,000 miles and this change to shock my system into seeing it. I feel lucky and want to express my gratitude to all of the people who touched my life in Davis. Also, I am looking forward to returning for the Whole Earth Festival in May. I can’t wait.

On that note, I move forward, onward and upward. I am here and I am going to Carpe fuckin’ Diem. What I’ve been up to: I’ve been to a few concerts (John Butler Trio – my favorite so far), spent time at the great Museums, gone out to unique wine bars, met some bizarre artistic people and moved out of my comfort zone. Lessons NYC has taught me: 1. If you go outside, you must wear a coat, gloves, scarf, you get the idea. 2. People walk really fast here… Keep up or move out of the way. 3. Eye-contact = fun way to mess with people on the subway. 4.Times Square sucks a big one. 5. Live music as often as possible. 6. If you want to meet people, you have to pursue them, like a creeping predator. (New Yorkers are a suspicious breed) 7. Okay, the last one was a little weird, but it’s true. 8. Ipod outside = only when you want to be isolated. 9. Find a spot to write, the people watching is great. 10. Starbucks has literally taken over the city, like a giant tumor. There are not many quaint café’s left, but the ones that are left are full of really great people. 11. Don’t wear black, everyone else wears black. 12. Go to the Farmers Markets (Union Sq. is a good one). 13. If you want to be cool, and you’re a guy, the new “in” thing is Urban Mountain man. Grow a beard, carry a hatchet, wear hiking boots and quote Thoreau. 14. I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. 15. When you feel claustrophobic, go to Central Park, or to the rooftop of some building. 16. Never get on a Subway car if you’re the only girl. 17. Film students are everywhere. (Don’t interrupt them to talk about their projects, they get upset.) 18. If you’re new to the city and you are drinking, take a cab home, it’s easy to get lost. 19. Go to a Friday night burlesque drawing class… 20. EAT in all of the different ethnic “zones” of the city. The food is fantastic. 21. Explore! It really is a jungle out there.

-Peace, Love and Happiness (what could be more important?)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Stray

It's sunset in the city. Light bends through the cloud licked high rises and New York is burning. The wind screams at me through the creases in the glowing pane and I feel alive again. My silhouetted dream looks back at me through this new landscape. "Do you feel inspired?" She caresses my ear and I feel entitled but I cannot answer. "Can you hear it?" She asks again and this time I close my eyes to open the piece of me that stopped believing in open doors. "You cannot hide from me." She calls again and this time I understand completely. "I see you" I respond and in my voice I hear for the first time a power that was not there before. Truth, beauty and love are my mission, but clichés drown in this city. So I wonder as I wander and me, she, heart and glory wander down into the hunting ground and naked, run from one another in this darkness. The moon is gone, so I follow my fluorescent guide for a week spent stalking infinity. I find myself beyond the birds song, beyond the flesh stretched thin, like a thorn pressing through a cheek, breaking through the peace, through the doors. Splintered, cold, cloaked and masked I get back in line while my beautiful quarry dies in the back of an alleyway. Maybe she'll be unearthed someday.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Review of "Somersault"

Somersault (2004) is an award winning Australian film directed by Cate Shortland. I became curious about it after I saw the impassioned performances by Sam Worthington in Terminator Salvation and Avatar. This film knocked my socks off and Abbie Cornish and Worthington are nothing short of brilliant. Somersault is Shortland’s feature debut as a director and she is remarkably subtle, patient and gentle with the weighty subject matter. The themes in the film deal with solitude, abandonment, growth, sexuality and the pain in and out of relationships. The film is about a young girl named Heidi (Abbie Cornish) who learns the difficult lessons that navigate the roads between love and sex. Cornish portrays Heidi’s fragility, innocence and torment with such quiet finesse it is easy to see why she was awarded Best Actress by the Australian Film Institute in 2004. Worthington also won Best Actor for his portrayal of Joe, the son of a wealthy farm owner whose confusion about where he belongs and desperation in the face of the obligation he feels for his family lead him to a bland, lonely existence. That is, until he meets Heidi who shows him that he is capable of loving, even for just a short time. The sound design, color scheme, costuming, especially the patient rhythm which Shortland wields, are thought provoking and inspirational. This film is a thinkers film and I recommend it to anyone who has a heartbeat. This film showed me that the courage to be vulnerable and the moments that bring us close are worth the pain that we go through to get there. More importantly, these are the moments that teach us what love is and are worth more than the invalidating opinions of the outside world. Do yourself a favor, and see this film.

Friday, January 22, 2010

New York!

Here I am fresh off the boat ready to start my adventure in NYC! Last night I went to a Jazz show at Joe's Pub starring Lauren Ambrose (redhead from 6 feet under) and her band the Leisure Class. WHAT A SHOW! She sounds like a carefree songstress child of Tori Amos, Ruth Etting and Evelyn Knight merged with some banjo strumming, bass slapping, piano playing, clad in 30's attire musician men and what a result. The band was endlessly entertaining and equally impressive as this was only their third performance together. Ambrose clearly brought her acting chops to the stage and in each song created a character, mood and story. From her light jazzy vibrato to the weighty power in her belt, Ambrose carried us to a faraway place where sipping a Manhattan in the dark corners of a speakeasy, chatting with the likes of Nick and Nora doesn't seem so unlikely. "New York I love you but you're bringing me down" was the last song of the night and what a song to end with. She brought the house down. If this is where my journey begins, I can only say that this trip is going to change my life. This city is inspirational and full of artists and I want to see and feel and live it to the fullest.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Review of "Up in the Air"

This film hit me hard and where do I start? Jason Reitman, who wrote and directed the film, gives us the story of a man living in the disconnected and isolated world of the business of firing, travel, convenience and luggage. The heartfelt performances by George Clooney and Anna Kedrick keep this disillusioned adventure captivating and thoughtful. I enjoyed the film as Clooney carried us through his characters journey to discovering connections with his family, lover, and friends. The journey he takes bends and Reitman becomes a bit preachy as Clooney's character learns that the value in his life has been in collecting meaningless "club points" rather than pursuing friendships, commitment and the dream of the American family. Reitman balances the decisions his main characters make with the unveiled truth that there are not easy, one sided answers or solutions to the problems in our lives; People are not always as they seem, the institution of marriage is not for everyone and in the face of the meaninglessness of it all, we must carry on. Oscar worthy? Definitely. See it or skip it? See it, as it seems to capture the struggles all of us are facing in this recession, points us towards the future and although it ends without giving us all of the answers, shows us that the relationships in our lives are worth having, given the alternative.

Resolution part 2

So with more time to think about it. I'm simply going to say that my resolution is to create more.