The dream that is my life, this adventure, my hope for our future...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Adventures Post 1: The Big Concrete Jungle

(John Butler Trio @ the Bowery Ballroom 2/11/10)

Here I am, 3 weeks into my new life in NYC and I did it. I finally pressed the reset button, I left Davis to find some perspective and refill my cup, to learn a new way of life and find whatever it is I have been looking for. School is going great. The atmosphere at The Natural Gourmet School is fulfilling and inspiring. So far, I’ve met some incredible people, learned about health supportive, organic, sustainable, gourmet vegetarian cooking, and faced some of my fears. But I cannot put my finger on this feeling that has been pulling on my heart lately.

Maybe I miss California, I miss Davis, I miss my friends, and I miss the sunshine. I miss the smell of trees and soil. I miss wearing sweats all the time, lounging on the quad, bikes, running in fields when the sun was setting, talking about changing the world, solar ovens, squirrels and ducks, delta venus, warm nights and pear cider, riding horses early in the morning, nuggles, film classes. Now that these things are not outside my door, I understand how much they meant to me. Living in this concrete jungle has helped me see that I am my own clichĂ©. I really didn’t know what I had until it was gone. I am grateful that I can say this, and I appreciate the fact that it took 3,000 miles and this change to shock my system into seeing it. I feel lucky and want to express my gratitude to all of the people who touched my life in Davis. Also, I am looking forward to returning for the Whole Earth Festival in May. I can’t wait.

On that note, I move forward, onward and upward. I am here and I am going to Carpe fuckin’ Diem. What I’ve been up to: I’ve been to a few concerts (John Butler Trio – my favorite so far), spent time at the great Museums, gone out to unique wine bars, met some bizarre artistic people and moved out of my comfort zone. Lessons NYC has taught me: 1. If you go outside, you must wear a coat, gloves, scarf, you get the idea. 2. People walk really fast here… Keep up or move out of the way. 3. Eye-contact = fun way to mess with people on the subway. 4.Times Square sucks a big one. 5. Live music as often as possible. 6. If you want to meet people, you have to pursue them, like a creeping predator. (New Yorkers are a suspicious breed) 7. Okay, the last one was a little weird, but it’s true. 8. Ipod outside = only when you want to be isolated. 9. Find a spot to write, the people watching is great. 10. Starbucks has literally taken over the city, like a giant tumor. There are not many quaint cafĂ©’s left, but the ones that are left are full of really great people. 11. Don’t wear black, everyone else wears black. 12. Go to the Farmers Markets (Union Sq. is a good one). 13. If you want to be cool, and you’re a guy, the new “in” thing is Urban Mountain man. Grow a beard, carry a hatchet, wear hiking boots and quote Thoreau. 14. I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. 15. When you feel claustrophobic, go to Central Park, or to the rooftop of some building. 16. Never get on a Subway car if you’re the only girl. 17. Film students are everywhere. (Don’t interrupt them to talk about their projects, they get upset.) 18. If you’re new to the city and you are drinking, take a cab home, it’s easy to get lost. 19. Go to a Friday night burlesque drawing class… 20. EAT in all of the different ethnic “zones” of the city. The food is fantastic. 21. Explore! It really is a jungle out there.

-Peace, Love and Happiness (what could be more important?)

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