The dream that is my life, this adventure, my hope for our future...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Chi Kung!

I just had the best day ever. I took a Chi Kung workshop with Lydia Wong ( at Organic Avenue and it was one of the most calming yet energizing experiences I've ever had. Of course, I was late to class by about 5 min. I frantically took my spot and began an energy brushing exercise with my sister. After Lydia passed a few times, calmly encouraging students to brush more vigorously, to remember the breath, to switch sides, I found myself completely transported. The city washed away. All of the students were smiling, open to the experience. Lydia's jovial, yet soothing energy guided us into a space where energy flowed freely, where our breath and bodies became waves in the flowing ocean of our energy meridians. We were set free to become the meditative focus of the uninhibited, we moved with our bodies, feeling the quite rhythm of our breath, joining with the peaceful music in the background.

What I learned is that it is so essential to slow everything down. And when I say slow down, I mean really really really sssssllllooowwwww dooowwwwnnnn. I sometimes joke with my sister that living in the city always feels like I'm living in this big competition. Walking down the street, it's a competition to get past the person walking in front of you, a competition to cross the street, a competition to get through the crowd as fast as possible, a race to the subway doors, a competition with the traffic noise, a race to whatever cash register, a competition with the energy of the entire city. I know that all of this competition resides within me, and perhaps in the people around me as well... Whatever the case may be, it was so fantastic to be encouraged to move slowly, to be taught to listen to my body and breath, to really feel. What I experienced is that I can feel the energy outside of my body. Something about moving slowly, with intention, changes the focus and relationship of your mind to what you feel. I felt the subtle energies of my chi for the first time. I moved in that focus and awareness and found that it can be stretched, compressed and shared with another person. I learned that the energies of the people around you, their moods, thoughts and intentions can be transferred into your own feelings, thoughts and intentions. I learned how to keep these shared experiences flowing, so that the chi doesn't become "clogged". I learned how to "brush off" the negative energies of other people. I learned how to quiet my mind, how to create a space to be present.
With these new experiences, I now understand how important it is to live in a LOVING state all of the time. If my energy is affecting every person I see, speak to, walk past, or look at, I will try to keep my heart open and allow that energy to flow freely. Love is all that matters, love is all there is, "all you need is love"!
What a beautiful day.

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