The dream that is my life, this adventure, my hope for our future...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

How one Superfood Smoothie changed my life.

Oh the fabulous irony that is my life. Since I began my studies at the Natural Gourmet School for Health and Culinary arts I have been experimenting with a raw food lifestyle. Cooking school to raw foods...!? The philosophy of the school is what threw me on the trajectory of finding and educating myself about "THE" healthy lifestyle, so I guess it works. What catalyzed the change? Inspiration came to me when I began reading the book "Superfoods" by David Wolfe. I am a naturally skeptical person and I have a tendency to question everything that I hear. So, on that "questioning" vain, I went to my local smoothie bar to test out these so called "superfoods" and I must say that I am forever changed.

I can't quite express in words what I felt in my body after drinking it, but please enjoy my descent into hyperbolic madness. It's like I spent my entire life in a hot and dry desert and this smoothie was the first quenching drink of cool spring water. It felt like my cells had been asleep and when I drank it, they were supercharged, reborn. It's like I had never taken air into my lungs until I drank it. It felt like my eyes had been sewn shut and after I digested it I could see for the first time. Okay, okay, I think you get the point. But I have to say that this kind of food is greater than any coffee, energy drink, Powerbar, Gatoraid, whatever energy "food" people are selling these days.

So yes, one smoothie changed my life. After this revelation, I began to think about the endless fields of knowledge that I have never seen. I began to see the answers to the questions that I have always carried in my heart. I have always had doubts about the heavily mediated environment that I have grown up in. I have always felt a bit overwhelmed by the lies we have been told, sold and programed to believe. My addictions to TV, alcohol, negative people and ways of thinking, celebrity culture, clothing, self-obsessive and narcissistic patterns of thought, etc have been instantly evaporated now that I have the right nutrition. How is this possible? I have no idea, I am not a scientist, or an expert on the subject, all I know is that I feel fantastic! My guess is that because I feel so great, I don't need those other things to give my life meaning... I don't know how it all works, I feel freer than I have ever felt, happier than I have ever felt and even more important I feel like I have found my purpose in life. (This all happened because of a smoothie...) I then began my research online to find out what the "raw food" lifestyle was all about. I found thousands of videos on Youtube that are aimed at spreading this essential knowledge to anyone interested in listening. And I am more than interested.

Through the information that I have discovered online about raw foods, the lifestyle associated with it, sustainability, the health of our planet and bodies, the poverty faced by many communities around the world, gardening, permaculture, etc... I can say that the answers to all of the problems that we are facing start with what we are eating and where we get our food from. We can solve all of the problems (okay fine, not all... but most!) in the world if we become conscious about what we put into our mouths. WOW! Hey there buddy, slow down. That's a pretty righteous claim! Yes, but I challenge you to do some research on the subject. Read "Superfoods" by David Wolfe, watch some videos about raw food nutrition, figure out what works best for you, but if there is something lacking in your life-look at the food that you are eating. Change your diet for a week, add some superfoods and raw foods into your diet... It might change everything! I know it worked for me, and I am still very new to all of this. All I know is that I cannot wait to see what happens next, and that feeling of excitement and hope is new and fantastic and it is also something that a lot of us have lost faith in. So go do it, read, learn and feel joy that there are answers!

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